Using BIM in FIDIC contracts
Aspects of implementing BIM in construction projects using FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction, Second Edition 2017
Nowadays, FIDIC Conditions Contract has remained the most popular form of contract worldwide in the construction industry and the top first choice when it comes to use a standard form of contract. It has been used in any jurisdiction, mostly within underdeveloped countries and emerging economies, being preferred by the banks and international financial institutions as a standard form for carrying out the construction projects financed in these countries, due to the predictability that it gives.
During the last years, Building Information Modelling (BIM), has had a fast-growing trend of adoption in the construction industry. Governments in developed countries mandated BIM and financed the development of industry-wide standards, BIM becoming a catalyst for digital transformation of the construction sector and the related industries.
However, there is not too much information about BIM in the FIDIC related publications, and vice-versa, and BIM is neither being mentioned in the new versions of FIDIC books, except by the “Advisory Notes for Users of FIDIC Contracts is to Include Building Information Modelling Systems” included in the FIDIC 2017 Second Edition. The aim of this paper is to bring out some answers about the practical possibilities of using BIM in accordance with some of the sub-clauses of the FIDIC Contract Conditions for Construction from the Contractor’s perspective. Furthermore, it intends to present some similarities between these two powerful concepts that provide guidance for construction professionals and govern many construction projects.
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Situat in strada Gheorghe Manu nr. 7, intre Piata Romana si Piata Victoriei, Spiru Haret Residence reprezinta imbinarea perfecta intre vechi si nou, prezent si trecut, o solutie excelenta de pastrare a identitatii uneia dintre cele mai vechi si fermecatoare cladiri din Bucuresti.
Proiectul Spiru Haret Residence implica, pe langa restaurarea unei cladiri cu importanta istorica deosebita, construirea unui spatiu modern perfect integrat in structura veche a constructiei.
Din informatiile privind achizitiile publice incluse in pachetul legislativ al anului 2014 din cadrul Parlamentului European, rezulta ca directiva 2014/24/UE, Articolul 22, alineatul (4) propune contractorilor utilizarea solutiilor BIM in proiectele
de constructii.
De asemenea, noile reglementari ale directivei aduc la cunostinta statelor membre UE posibilitatea impunerii de catre autoritatile contractante spre utilizarea unor instrumente electronice specifice de proiectare, precum instrumentele de modelare electronica BIM (Building Information Modeling).
Noua directiva impusa de catre Parlamentul European este menita sa incurajeze ofertantii in ceea ce priveste implementarea unor solutii inovative de proiectare, de livrare a unor servicii de inalta calitate, precum si sa sprijine autoritatile in demersurile privind lansarea unor proceduri care sa asigure o competitie loiala pe piata constructiilor.
"Pentru contractele de lucrari si concursurile de proiecte, statele membre pot impune utilizarea de instrumente electronice specifice, precum instrumentele de modelare electronica a informatiilor de constructii sau instrumente similare."